Dear Emily —

I wonder whether “hope” once flew
from its perch
in your bedroom,
out a window, away
from your open hand.

If it did, with no promise to return,
or explanation for its departure,
did you bother about it,
or did you know
better —

My body is accustomed
to its loneliness,
and I’ve never kept a bird
in my bedroom, but I am waiting
for the sound of its wing

We who keep company
only in words,
what will become of us
when language won’t bend
to our ear —

Marisa Siegel

Marisa Siegel holds an MFA from Mills College in Oakland, CA. Her essay "Inherited Anger" appears in the acclaimed anthology BURN IT DOWN (Seal Press, 2019) and her poetry chapbook FIXED STARS is out now from Burrow Press. Find her online at




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