9 times out of 10

9 times out of 10 I love something
& it refuses to love me in return
but I figured you to be exception
not rule. I have never loved
something gently. I am tornado,
fierce by design. Look at me chase
pain — watch me, I do not pretend
to be careless. Easy is an excuse —
I want you to be expansive,
see beyond this moment’s limit,
see the wind’s sprawling potential.
What I believe is nothing relevant
to how you’ll think about the next
moment. We are here — I am here,
fighting my worst selves back —
I am here, I am waiting patiently,
will remain regardless of the bitter
cold, no matter the uncertainty of
outcome. What I am waiting for is
lightning strike, drop in pressure —
immeasurable shifting toward
becoming. Watch me, I do not
pretend to be static — my mind
gallops. Are you what I figured
for, or only another bit of ruin?

Marisa Siegel

Marisa Siegel holds an MFA from Mills College in Oakland, CA. Her essay "Inherited Anger" appears in the acclaimed anthology BURN IT DOWN (Seal Press, 2019) and her poetry chapbook FIXED STARS is out now from Burrow Press. Find her online at marisasiegel.com.


Dear Emily —


Fuck you, Emily