DT Only Reads My Stuff If It’s Really Short Because He’s a Baby with a Wife and Kids and Adult Responsibilities Blah Blah Blah

My buddy, Kevin, texts me and our other buddy, DT, that he’s feeling a surge of hope and healing coming his way.

DT texts us that he’s thinking of applying to a job, that he’s hitting the point where he hates what he does.

I text them that I don’t know how long I can keep this up, but I’m feeling especially inspired and productive and like a new me.


I go on a run and TV on the Radio sing:

Oh, I keep telling myself

"Don't worry, be happy"

Oh, you keep telling yourself

"Everything's gonna be okay"


I text Kevin and DT to don’t worry, be happy.

DT texts, Like that annoying dumbass song from the 80s?

Kevin texts, Didn’t you write an essay about that song?

I text back, Actually, yeah, but I was quoting TV on the Radio not Bobby McFerrin. But maybe they were quoting Bobby McFerrin?

Kevin texts, Probably.

DT texts, Dumbass.

I text back that everything’s gonna be okay.


I read this excerpt from a Joy Williams short story:

“You’re a Christian, right? I bet, I mean, I can imagine it.”

"I believe in guilt and longing,” Liberty admitted. “Confession and continual defeat. The circle and the spiral."


DT texts that he needs a fucking break from… life. 

Kevin texts back that life doesn’t allow breaks for artists.

I text back that I am currently taking a break from life, and that I recommend it.


I go on another run and TV on the Radio sing:

Rain comes down like it always does

This time, I've got seeds on ground.


I text my buddy, Kevin, and our other buddy, DT, asking if they’ll read a new lil short thing I wrote.

DT texts back, How many words? I only have time for a certain amount of words. 

I text, 400.

DT texts, I have time for that. 

DT reads the story. Really good ending, he texts.

Kevin doesn’t text anything. Maybe he’s busy, in the middle of a surge of hope and healing.



I go on a run and think about circles and spirals, and guilt and longing, confession and continual defeat.


Kevin texts that he was busy but that he liked the story. 

DT texts that he has officially applied to the job he told us about.

I text that I finished another new story and ask if they want to read it. I tell them it is about guilt and longing and confession and continual defeat.

Kevin texts, YES.

DT texts back, I don’t know if I’ll have time today but send it anyway.

I text back that this one is closer to 750 words. 

Kevin texts that maybe I could cut it to 500 words.

I text back that I knew when finishing it that it was probably more words than DT would have time for.

Kevin texts a long, dumb, jokey title, the idea being that it might get DT’s attention and make him want to read it. 



I go on more runs; I listen to more songs; Kevin and DT and I text each other about hope and healing, about inspiration and productivity, about needing breaks and taking breaks, about life being circles and spirals; I read more stories with excerpts that grab my attention; I see in everything — in runs and songs and texts and stories and friends and life — potential and beauty, a wealth of seeds on ground; I write more stories; I write this story; I send this story to Kevin and DT; I send this story to you.

Aaron Burch

Aaron Burch grew up in Tacoma, WA. He is the author of A Kind of In-Between and the How to Write a Novel anthology, which are both from Autofocus Books. He is also the author of a novel, Year of the Buffalo; a memoir/literary analysis, Stephen King’s The Body; a short story collection, Backswing; and a novella, How to Predict the Weather. He started the literary journal Hobart, which he edited for twenty years, and is currently the editor of Short Story, Long and the co-editor of WAS (Words & Sports) and HAD. He lives in Ann Arbor, MI and is online: on Twitter and Instagram at @aaron__burch, and the world wide web at aaronburch.net.


Personal History


Impostering Is Not A Syndrome: Confessions from AWP 2024